Google OAuth and 'Quota exceeded for quota metric' issue

Yes, it is mentioned above. Please read Russel’s comment of 3 weeks ago.

I have done switched off the error window as suggested by Russell, but it doesn’t actually work around the problem for me - which is that my new emails don’t appear in my InBoxes and I just get continual “refreshing” icons next to each inbox.  

Yeah, that is just a cosmetic “fix” and doesn’t really resolve anything. You will just need to wait while Google, hopefully, work on the problem.

If this continual refreshing is caused by a cache issue, maybe remove the Gmail account from eM Client, then add it again. 

The announcement was updated 4 days ago.  No idea what got updated (no history view of edits).  4 days ago, I encountered the API quota error for Gmail (I only added Gmail a couple days prior), so I came here again.  I had hoped the problem that started 2 months ago got fixed as claimed .  Today, 4 days later, I’m still getting the same API exceeded error with Gmail.  Nope, not fixed yet.

I had started another thread over at, but that one is devolving into a bit of a personality conflict.

This problem started 2 months ago.  4 days ago an updated announcement says it got fixed.  Nope, still getting the error.  Like robross0606 noted here but didn’t detail, I also ran into Exchange problems (   Hotmail/ via Exchange is iffy: after erroring, access is locked out.  Gmail via Google access is iffy (insufficient API request quota in their account to handle all their users).

Seems eM Client Inc doesn’t often visit here to know what they thought they fixed is not.  They seem to be more involved and responsive over at
Wow, only 3 employees?

I’ve got the Quota exceeded limit error message when eM Client is trying to sync with GMail. Had it for a couple of weeks. Sometimes the sync will happen immediately after waking from sleep mode but I cant get a consistent sync on my inbox and 9 time out of 10 I get the error message. Hope they fix it soon.

Emclient is still not compatible with Google OAuth.  Emclinet, please fix!

No, eM Client is fully compatible with OAuth. The problem was with the API, which was supposedly fixed in a recent version.

I have been testing a GMail account recently and have not had any issues. If you are not using the latest version of eM Client, please download it from the Release History and see f there is any difference.