Google Auth Problems in v6.0.24316

I still have Google Auth probs with the latest version.Emails do not download or not download properly. Can you please help. I am willing to use v7 even if it is in beta. I have error messages every time my account synchs with Google. I am using a Google domain integrated account. My account is not Google but is using Google’s domain services. I am thinking to move to outlook even, I would hate to do it but it is frustrating now.  

Hello Roberto,
are there any error messages accompanying this incorrect synchronization? If so, could you copy them and also the content of the Tools>Operations>Log window and post it here?


Hi Olivia,
Thanks a lot for your promptness in the reply. Looking at the logs I am realizing it is related to Google API response. I know that they recently changed APIs. More info here:

By the way, I am using W10 Home x64.

Log extract:
15:48:22 xxxxxxxxx [GData]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: The remote name could not be resolved: ‘’ —> Google.GoogleApiRequestException: The remote name could not be resolved: ‘’ —> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: '’15:48:22    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)
15:48:22    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
15:48:22    at Google.Apis.Requests.Request.EndAttachBody(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
15:48:22    — End of inner exception stack trace —
15:48:22    at Google.Apis.Requests.ServiceRequest1.EndFetchInternal(IAsyncResult asyncResult) 15:48:22    at Google.Apis.Requests.ServiceRequest1.EndFetch(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
15:48:22    at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.FetchHelper.FetchWithCancellation[T](ServiceRequest1 request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 15:48:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.CalendarItemSynchronizer.Upload(IItemUploadContext1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 15:48:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer2.<>c__DisplayClass20.b__1c(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
15:48:22 at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGapiCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
15:48:22 — End of inner exception stack trace —

17:00:47 xxxxxxxx [GData] MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Execution of request failed: —> Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException: Execution of request failed: —> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: '’17:00:47 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataRequest.Execute()
17:00:47 — End of inner exception stack trace —
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataRequest.Execute()
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute(Int32 retryCounter)
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute(Int32 retryCounter)
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute(Int32 retryCounter)
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute(Int32 retryCounter)
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.GOAuth2Request.Execute()
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.Service.Query(Uri queryUri, DateTime ifModifiedSince, String etag, Int64& contentLength)
17:00:47 at Google.GData.Client.Service.Query(FeedQuery feedQuery)
17:00:47 at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactFolderSynchronizer.GetFolderList(Folder homeFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
17:00:47 at MailClient.Protocols.Common.FolderSynchronizer.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__0(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
17:00:47 at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGdataCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)

Thanks a lot for your support,

Reading further into Google’s documentation, I have noticed that they always include “https:” in front or API URL; sample as follows:


CLIENT\_SECRET = 'abc123' &nbsp;# Read from a file or environmental variable in a real app
SCOPE = ' ****'
REDIRECT\_URI = '' Whereas from the logs I can see API URL does NOT contain https string on it. Rgds, R.-

Hello Roberto,
could you try making an exception in Windows Firewall and your antivirus software and just see if that helps the issue?


I have included emClient as an exception in the Windows FW and in AVG exceptions. I’ll monitor for errors tomorrow as it is the end of my day in the office. I’ll let you know eitherway.
Thanks a lot.

Good morning Olivia,

I’d like to thank you once more for all your efforts and support but unfortunately I am still getting error messages in synch. As follows:

10:39:57 Keensoft [XMPP]  MailExceptions. ConnectionException: 10:39:57 (No se puede escribir datos de en la conexión de transporte: Se ha anulado una conexión establecida por el software en su equipo host.)
10:39:57 Keensoft [IMAP]  Synchronizing messages: For folder Keensoft/Inbox
10:39:57 Estado en línea: cambiado a sin conexión debido a NetworkAvailability 
10:40:20 Estado en línea: cambiado a en línea debido a NetworkAvailability 
10:40:20 Keensoft [IMAP]  Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Keensoft/
10:40:20 Keensoft [IMAP]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Failed opening connection to server. —> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Host desconocido
10:40:20    at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient…ctor(String hostname, Int32 port)
10:40:20    at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.<>c__DisplayClassa.b__9()
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(Func`1 getStream)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(String receiveHost, Int32 receivePort, Boolean explicitSsl)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
10:40:20 — End of inner exception stack trace —
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Connect()
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPool.AcquireConnection(Folder mailFolder, Boolean idle, Boolean forStore)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionContext…ctor(ImapAccount account)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeFoldersCommand.ExecuteInternal(WorkerStatus status)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
10:40:20 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
10:40:20 Keensoft [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:40:20 Keensoft [XMPP] MailExceptions.ConnectionException:
10:40:20 (Bad host:
10:40:21 Keensoft [GData] Synchronizing folder list


Thanks a lot,