In eM Client (free version 0.18661.0) I consistently get POP3 and SMTP connection failures to my email account for the domain name I own that is hosted by GoDaddy WHEN USING SSL. It does not fail with SSL turned off.
SSL access to the same account works perfectly well sending and receiving in Mozilla Thunderbird, using the same port numbers and authentication.
eM Client works fine with SSL access to Gmail and Microsoft accounts. It just doesn’t like GoDaddy’s with SSL.
My eM Client settings:
Port 995
Use SSL/TLS if available
Checked: Server Requires Authentication
Authentication credentials = my email address and password … triple checked.
Port 465
Use SSL/TLS if available
Same authentication
(These are the ports that GoDaddy Email Setup Center says to use for SSL.)
When I turn off SSL (Security Policy choice “Don’t use secure connection”) and use port 25 with SMTP and 110 with POP3, sending and receiving mail works.
Error message upon attempt to send/receive with SSL, for both SMTP and POP3 I get:
“An attempt to connect to [my email address] failed. This could be caused by temporary server unavailability or incorrect settings. Do you want to check the settings?”
I clicked “Open Account Settings.”
In the Diagnostics tab I see “Unknown” for both SMTP and POP3. I clicked “Diagnose.”
Both SMTP and POP3 come up “Server not responding.” I clicked “Fix” on each one. I click Yes when prompted whether to send authentication credentials.
Both SMTP and POP3 come up with green check icon and “Settings has been fixed.”
Nothing in the settings actually changed. They are the same as above. Same connection failures occur doing another send/receive attempt. I’ve been through this process several times, checking and rechecking everything.
Oddly, for each attempt at changing settings (or is it only when I run the diag?), eM Client’s automatic test email message shows up in my inbox (retrieved with Thunderbird, webmail, or eM Client non-SSL).
I tried changing authentication to “use identity credentials” instead of specified address and password. Same results. SMTP fails with or without authentication.
Thanks for any help or ideas.
BTW, eM Client is probably the last name I would have chosen for an email client. It’s sort of like naming a car, “Vehicle.” But that’s just me, not a marketing guru. .
Otherwise, I like everything I see in eM Client so far. I’m evaluating it as a replacement for Thunderbird, which turned out to be a disappointing replacement for Windows Live Mail.