I’m running eM Client on two computers with a GMail account that I also sometimes access through a browser (or on a mobile using the GMail app) and the inbox in eM Client is not picking all the changes made on other devices when moving emails to folders. I can get the inbox to re-align by running the repair, but it’s a pain to have to keep having to do that.
The browser client and app both pick up all changes (and I’ve set up Thunderbird as well, and that works fine). It’s just eM Client that seems to have a problem.
Any suggestions as to how I can get this to work or is there more information I can provided to help diagnose the issue?
If running the repair only temporarily fixes it, then suggest next to “try removing and re-adding your Gmail account” using the automatic account wizard via “Menu / Accounts”.
Note:- Before removing and re-adding, make a manual backup first via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the dropdown on the right of Refresh.
Also sometimes mail clients don’t update from the server due to eg: background resident programs interferring. So if you have any optionally installed eg: Firewall / Security programs, or optionally installed Antivirus programs or VPN other than what comes default with your OS, try completely disabling those to test.
I’ve tried that. It makes no difference. I’ve even tried putting it on a third computer and that has the same problem. I’ve tried turning off Antivirus and that makes no difference. There are no VPNs, Firewalls and or other security running.
It’s attempting to sync but only picking up some things that have been moved to folders and not others.
Ok as it also isn’t updating the Inbox or other mail labels on other computer installations, then could be eM Client “is still synching your overall mail folders” from the Gmail online mailbox, and so then you are not seeing the updates when you make changes online or on other devices.
So to speed up that sync process, try going to “Menu / Accounts” and click on your Gmail account and then click the “IMAP Tab”. Then enable the options to download messages for offline use and include attachments etc under “Sync Options”, and also check the Sync period is set to “All Time” as per the V9 and V10 Yahoo examples screenshots below.
(eM Client V9 example) to download messages offline including attachments.
Then click on the “All Mail” folder under your Gmail account and then click the “Refresh” button.
Then click the dropdown on the right of Refresh and click “Show Operations” and wait till that’s completed all synching. Then once that’s finished go back to your Gmail Inbox and see if eM Client updates the Inbox and other mail labels when you update them online or on other devices.
If that still makes no difference, then could be you might have an older or outdated eM Client version. So check you have the latest update via the release history page.
My Hotmail went down again a couple of days ago. Still down. I get new messages but cannot reply as my reply gets stuck in the outbox. Calendars and contacts will not sync. It can be like this for a few days and then all of the sudden everything works again. Very frustrating. When it happens I have to use the outlook free app, which I don’t like as much as EM Client but the MS connection is a real, serious, ongoing issue with EM Client. My gmail and other Imap emails don’t have a problem, just my MAIN Hotmail account that everything I do is centered out of. It sucks as I have been using EM Client for 7-8 years and never had these problems until I upgraded to version 10.
Thanks. I’ll give that a go. I have been setting it to just sync 1 year and not store offline as that mailbox has a lot in it, but if it helps it work that may be the better way to go.
It took a couple of days to finish downloading everything (it’s a very full mailbox), but it does seem to have fixed the problem. It’s just filled up a lot of disk space, which I was hoping to avoid.