Gmail Calendar, does not sync on program start

Version: 8.0.2951 (e2fe9f0)

In order to get Gmail to sync the calendar properly I have to disable, then re-enable the connection to the Gmail calendar under the eM Client advanced settings.

Below is the error log.

2020-09-13 5:11:22 PM Online state: changed to online due to NetworkAvailability
2020-09-13 5:11:22 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail IMAP Synchronizing folder list
2020-09-13 5:11:22 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail Google Contacts Synchronizing folder list
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail Google Contacts Synchronizing folder ‘/Contacts’
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail [Google Calendar] MailClient.Storage.Application.OperationException: Detecting default task failed due to the following error: Not Found
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM —> The service tasks has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM Not Found [404]
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM Errors [
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM Message[Not Found] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM ]
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest1.ParseResponse(HttpResponseMessage response) 2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest1.ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.FetchHelper.FetchWithCancellationAsync[T](ClientServiceRequest1 request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.FetchHelper.FetchWithCancellation[T](ClientServiceRequest1 request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.TaskFolderSynchronizer.b__5_0(WorkerStatus workerStatus, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGapiCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM — End of inner exception stack trace —
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGapiCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail Google Contacts Synchronizing folder ‘/’
2020-09-13 5:11:23 PM xxxxxxxxxx - Gmail IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/All Mail’

As the sync with Gmail calendar works after I disable then re-enable the calendar connection, this is not a permissions issue within Gmail or eM Client. To make calendar sync work I have to do this every time I open the eM Client. This points to there being a difference in the commands run on program start up and when you manually enable the calendar connection through the advanced settings in eM Client.

It would be great if you could have the programmers take a look at this, as this is likely to affect all Gmail users.


What OS/Version are you using.
My Google calendar works fine.
What exactly do you mean by “after I disable then re-enable the calendar connection,”?
How man calendars do you have and do they all display the same problem?
Send a screen-shot of your Gmail account server settings with personal stuff redacted.