Gmail app passwords for POP on Emclient?

I am using currently Outlook desktop client with gmail on POP, along with an app password from Google. I understand (a little bit) that emclient is a not a less-secure-app per Google, so maybe Google app passwords are not relevant. OK, but why is gmail POP not setting up on emClient in my trial testing, due to credentials authentication being denied, assuming a correct gmail account password? I do have 2-step verification with gmail. Some posters have stated that gmail + POP does not work on em-Client, but I still wonder if that is accurate. If an app password can make gmail on POP work on Outlook 2016 email client, why would that not work on em-Client just as well?

I previously read this article, but I was and am unclear on some points. When trying to set up the first account, I do have the authentication field in settings. My experience so far is that the Automatic setup or Gmail options generate IMAP. If I use Other, I can get POP, but then Gmail rejects my correct email and password. So right now based on my attempts there is no pathway to gmail + POP that works. Where am I plausibly going wrong here?

Unfortunately you can no longer use username/password access for Gmail accounts.

If your account is setup that way, please follow the instructions in the link I gave above.

Sorry, but I do not understand the pathway you recommend in the article. Automatic setup leads to IMAP, not POP. Mail and Other leads to the username/password entry, which does not work either because as you state gmail is not accepting that. What is the setup pathway for gmail + POP on em-Client, if any?

Google statement says app passwords can still be used: “Starting in autumn of 2024, you and your users must use OAuth with third-party apps to access Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts. OAuth is a more secure access method. You will no longer use a password for access (with the exception of app passwords).” Don’t app passwords, not conventional account passwords, work with em-Client for Gmail? Gary’s article does not address app passwords?

I have confirmed that app passwords do enable POP and gmail on em-Client. I just did it. Gary’s point that user names and passwords no longer work for gmail logins is true only for account passwords, not for app passwords. To make this work: (1) get an app password from gmail and enter it in Identity as the login password, not your account password; (2) select “Use SSL/TLS on specific port (legacy)” in both POP and STMP. Select “Use Identity credentials”. To get all this started, do not use the automated setup. Instead: Mail, Other. Select POP3 of course, not IMAP. Recheck ports after you save the set up. They should be 995 for POP3 and 587 for SMTP. All this worked for me just now.

Even if that works for you, I would not do that. Im using other mail clients on Linux and I never had problems with Google and Oauth.

Are you addressing IMAP only? You did not mention POP in your response. I also have no problems with OAUTH on IMAP and em-Client. The proposed solution is exclusively for POP + gmail on em-Client, although it should work for any ‘less secure’ client, I assume.

I dropped POP a long time ago, since I use more than one computer.

Carter is correct and provides the most useful response in this thread, but unfortunately setting up the account in this manner will not add the other Google account Services such as Contacts and Calendar and I haven’t yet learned how to add these services after configuring the accounts.

There should be a way in eM Client to configure GMail accounts to use App Passwords instead of OAuth2. There is nothing wrong with using App Passwords and they remain fully supported by Google. I use them in multiple email clients and with multiple GMail accounts on a daily basis and they are securely transferred via TLS in a similar manner to OAuth2 tokens. Please don’t tell people that App Passwords are insecure; they are not.

OAuth2 resolves major issues with traditional email, but it should not be the only way offered by eM Client when other options are available. Even when setting up a GMail account automatically, there should be some method for restoring the Authentication section in the account options via an option during account setup. This should allow other Google Services to be automatically imported, as usual.

It is inaccurate to say that Google no longer supports password authentication; they merely no longer support the use of account passwords as email passwords. OAuth2 is not required in order to access GMail.