Full text search

Full text search doesn’t work for me. I’m looking for the word mobile. I type *obile in the search field, but it doesn’t find anything.
Thanks for your help

I’m finding the same thing, wild card doesn’t work in searches? Searching for “delicious” brings up food, travel and restaurant messages with the word delicious (nicely highlighted in yellow) but *icious brings up zero results. Is searching by partial words available in em client?

Full text search doesn’t work for me. I’m looking for the word mobile. I type *obile in the search field, but it doesn’t find anything.

First make sure you are selecting “All Folders in the search” or that could be why it’s not finding messages you want. Also if you have “server search enabled in advanced search” try disabling that which has then worked for some users. Also if all your account messages “are not all locally cached yet” the search might not find messages.

Normally you just type the full word mobile or partial word mob in the search field without a wildcard to find messages with that name. But wildcards also do normally work with a (star) * as well depending on how the syntax is typed in.

So make sure you are using “The advanced search option” to use the wildcard search as per the following eM Client Search function page.

Also you might need to use eg: (star)name(star) or (star)name.(dot)(star) to find what you want depending on if it’s in the message body or not as per the below eM Client support pages on wildcard searches. Suggest you read that documentation.

(Search function in emails)


Also see this following eM Client blogs