Flagging messages

Feature request: I wish one could flag a message from the open message window itself, not only from the lists. Using the same keyboard shortcut, of course.

Hi tingo,

If I understood the question correctly, I think you can already do this. When reading a message, you can click on “Mark” in the toolbar at the top of the eM Client window and then use the dropdown menu to select the flag or marker of interest. Alternatively, you can click on the dropdown menu icon next to the Reply icon at the top of a message (under the date and time) and you’ll be presented with various options, including Flag.

I hope that helps!

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Thanks, I hadn’t been aware of these possibilities. The second one is less clumsy, although for my daily activity I would definitely prefer to be able to use the keyboard shortcut that toggles Flagging in the messages list view. It would be nice to see it implemented in the message window too.

No worries! Happy to help where I can (I’m new here). :grinning:

As a Mac user, I believe you can use Shift-Command-L for toggling flagging of a selected message. It may be the Insert key under Windows, but I can’t check directly. If you look under General → Shortcuts in your Preferences (Mac) or Settings (Windows), you’ll see the general list of keyboard shortcuts.

For anything I know, I might be newer than you (under a month). But with regard to Macs, you may call me… antique (1980’s.)

Shift-Command-L doesn’t work, neither in message view nor in list view. Windows keys I know nothing about. I’ve never really used Apple’s syst prefs shortcuts, but the one I have quickly tried to set up specifically for eMC didn’t work (I’ve been using Keyboard Maestro and predecessors for an eternity, i.e. before Apple found out that customisable shortcuts were a good idea after all.) I could create a new macro in KM, but all in all I would prefer the shortcut to be implemented by the developers, as it already exists in list view.

We’re about similar with eM Client, I think. I proceeded with it about a month ago.

As for Macs, ahhhhh, similar here too: we had one of the very earliest Macs, now referred to as the Macintosh 128K! :grin: All the way from System 1 to macOS Sequoia!

Hmmm, that’s very strange. It worked for me when I tried it both ways yesterday. I presume this is on a Mac, from what you’ve said above, and using the latest release version of eM Client? As your experience has been very different to mine, if you’re using Keyboard Maestro, is there a possibility it might be interfering with eM client’s own handling of shortcuts? Can it temporarily be disabled and then eM Client tested again?

Your credentials are more encompassing then mine, then: to be precise, I was on Atari before OS 7. Now, I’m on Monterey, after external events forced me out of 15 years with the best-of-all-times OS, Snow Leopard (to be honest, with a sprinkling of Linux for keeping up with the times.) But I’m anything but an Apple freak, it’s just the “least worse” of the tools I can’t live without, and if anything I’ve lost any respect for their attitude.

Shift-Command-L isn’t used in my Keyboard Maestro, but I tried it on another Monterey machine of ours, and yes, it does work. I guess this (little) problem on my machine is related to one of the helper cross-system applications I’m using, or a consequence result of my slightly obsessive de- & re-personalising of Apple’s invasive bloatware.

Also might not work if eg: The Mac OS Settings / Keyboard / Keyboard Shortcuts / Modifier keys have been reversed, where for me i switch the Command & Control keys like a PC so flagging or unflagging is then “Ctrl Shift L”

Thanks, I’ve checked but it doesn’t seem to be the case (slightly different OS syst prefs setup?). And Ctrl Shift L does not work either. For that matter, the only out-of-the-box Apple shortcuts I have activated are those used for taking screen shots.