FEEDBACK: Impossible to follow links in Compose window

In the eM Client compose window, it appears to be impossible to follow hyperlinks. I just added a link, but wanted to double-check it was going to the right place. I right-clicked on the link — and found no options related to the link. When I ESC out of the contextual menu, I found the app had highlighted a single word within that link, and all the contextual-menu options had been the same as they would have been for plain text.

In other words, eM Client failed to recognize that I’d clicked on a link.

I just added a link, but wanted to double-check it was going to the right place.

After inserting or typing a hyperlink / url in the compose window, it will change to a link colour, where if you then “hover your mouse over the the url”, it will then say to “Shift + Click” to open to test as in the eM Client link below in the 2nd screenshot.

If you then need to modify the link, you can highlight it and then click the “Link button” on the compose toolbar as in the 3rd screenshot below. If you don’t see the link button, click the dropdown at the far right of the toolbar where you can customise the toolbar.

Alternatively to also modify the link, you can “right click on the link” and click “Insert / Link” on the dropdown menu as in the 4th example screenshot below.



@cyberzork Thanks! Glad to know this function exists. Weird that it doesn’t follow the standard logic of right-clicking on something to act up on it.

I’m starting to realize that eM Client does a lot of things differently than long-established UI protocols — often for no discernible reason. It makes the app very frustrating for a new user:

  • I’m sure an app this powerful must be able to perform this very common action
  • But the thing I do to perform that action in literally every other app I’ve ever used doesn’t work here
  • looks in > documentation — nope, can’t find a thing
  • Asks in forum
  • @cyberzork rides to my rescue again
  • OK, now must memorize entirely different protocol for very common action, just for use exclusively in eM Client

I’m on my 3rd or 4th iteration of this process, and I’ve been using the app for less than a week.