Feature requset - merge email chains


I get really annoyed when there is an email chain on a subject, then a client comes back with a new email on the same subject without replying to the existing chain. I could use tags to fix this, but would soon end up with hundreds. It would be wonderful to be able to select two or three email chains and merge them so that the whole conversation, attachments, etc are in one

Unfortunately that is not possible. The message header needs to reference the message they are replies to. If that is not in the message code, they won’t be grouped in a conversation.

But you can always export the message, and delete the one in eM Client. Then manually edit and add the missing headers to the message, finally importing it back into eM Client.

so if it is possible to do it manually, it is feasible that an email client could be programmed to do this in a simple way?

No, it is not feasible. Sorry. If you want to add messages to a conversation, you will need to do it manually.