Facebook chat pop up and message notification

I don’t have any more notifications about messages coming from Facebook.
Is it because of recent changes of Facebook ?
I have eMClient version 5.0.18025.0 on my laptop.

But it is the same with the updated version at home.


It might be, facebook constantly changes something. For example duplicated messages is result for this.

But your issue might be solved by checking your settings in Tools - Settings - General - Notification if by any chance your notifications are disabled.


notifications settings are ok.
About duplicated messages I don’t have it any more.
So, I’ll have to wait for Facebook good willing :slight_smile:

I add that it is strange: in Facebook I see people online, in eMClient, nobody is online (the symbol is never green).


in this case please send me Facebook XMPP log.

go to tools - setting - advanced, mark off XMPP under Facebook section click on apply and restart eM Client.

then try to go online with your facebook account and write somebody so he/she will respond you back.

after this send me those logs to: [email protected] together with this URL: https://discourse.emclient.com/emclient/to…


Hi, any news ? I sent you the logs on august 14th.


there are some issues with Facebook repaired in newly released patch, if you have not received it yes please be a little patient, patch is being pushed to users gradually so there will be no problems with fast download and other server side issues.

best regards

Thanks. Don’t worry I’m patient :slight_smile:
My version is 6.0.18326.0. I suppose it will be automatically updated.


No, you are using 6th version which was sent to you because of beta testing participation or there were features you needed, there is no update at the moment as we focus on publicly released 5th version.

This bug should be repaired in newly released update for 5th version.

Please be aware of that databases are compatible from lower to higher version, not backwards.

best regards

Oh! So, If I understand well, I cannot “downdate” my version and the only solution will be to be more patient (my version works perfect, except for the Fb Chat Window).

unfortunately yes, or you can switch back.

We will work at 6th version again when there will be solved majority of issues for current public version.

6th version itself should be released in mid to late autumn, so it is not too far away from now on.

best regards

Thanks Jan. Good work :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your patience and understanding, it is nice to have users understanding that sometimes issues can’t be resolved instantly :slight_smile:

with best regards

Very good new :slight_smile:
I tried again (it’s the 3rd time) to delete and create the Facebook account.
This time it works! I created it being connected to Facebook.
Now, I see who is connected and I have the pop up windows - even when disconnected from FB.


On one side I am happy that it has worked, on the other I am confused that it has started working this sudden.

Anyway if it will ever happen again just contact us or wait for that 6th version :slight_smile:

best regards

It’s not the first time I have sudden surprises, also with other programs. It could be because I install or delete different things.

I don’t think that it would be because of another programs, of course it might be this case that something was interfering but most likely is that Facebook itself made some change into their chat system as now I am having quite often doubled messages on facebook.com itself (not in eM Client currently).

anyway I am still happy but confused that it works now.

best regards

Yes, you are wright. I hate Fb, but I love eMClient which allows me to chat with my friends and family, all in Fb :slight_smile: