error sending email

Header size exceeds fixed max size

Will now send message…  

Hi Ken,
what mail account does this happen with?
Can you please copy the log from the LOG tab in the same window as the error when it pops up next time?
Click inside the log, press CTRL+A to select all, CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste it here.

Hi Olivia…
Not sure if you received my reply…?
So, here it is again…

Hey Olivia…
_I’m sending you a screen print of the error…
However…come to find out, this error only comes up with 1 (Yes…Just One) user I was replying to…
So, I think it is a problem on receiving end…

It is strange though…the person has a gmail account…and I have lots of gmail users I send email too…but this one is the only one I have trouble with…
Sometimes I think the thread gets too long and that is the problem…

I will keep your contact infor just in case though…

Thank You for Your Support…

[email protected]_