Error sending email GMAIL IMAP/SMTP


i have a problem sending my mails. It’s Gmail IMAP 993 and SMTP 587.
when i sent an email an error eccours. “Connection failed” SMTP is not reachable.
so i change it manually to “USE SSL/TLS if available” and it works.

but i tried all different securitymodes. in general settings and it Always happens again. and i do have to change it manually again after trying to send an email.

Please use this setting:


that doenst solve my problem

Those are the default settings, that work. If it doesn’t work with those settings for you, then possibly something is interfering with your connection.

As a test, can you completely disable any anti-virus, firewall, proxy or VPN, then try send again. Sometimes even restarting your router may resolve this.

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hey gary,
I dont have any special anti-virus, firewall, proxy or VPN running. Router has been restartetd couple of times already. Any other ideas?