Error Message: "Method Not Allowed"

Recently I installed eM Client and I like this mail client.
But unfortunatley I get these error messages, each time I start the software.
What does these error messages mean?
13:19:09 Haugs [CardDAV] MailExceptions.OperationException: Die Unterordner von Ordner “principals” konnten auf Grund des folgenden Fehlers nicht synchronisiert werden: Method Not Allowed
13:19:10 Haugs [CardDAV] MailExceptions.OperationException: Die Unterordner von Ordner “addressbooks” konnten auf Grund des folgenden Fehlers nicht synchronisiert werden: Method Not Allowed

Send us your logs please: go to menu Tools->Settings->Advanced->Logging and check “CalDAV” under the problematic account. Then restart eM Client,
try to simulate the issue and send us (with reference to this topic) the logs using the same logging settings window. Thank you.

I reinstalled the whole stuff and did not observe the problem anymore. Thanks

you are welcome.
