endless syncing

seit gestern habe ich eMC installiert (Testphase), hab bislang über 20 Jahre mit Thunderbird gearbeitet, aber die Probleme mit TB häufen sich …

Ich habe einen eigenen IMAP Linux Server mit 4 Mail Accounts.
Soweit alles ok, eMC holt und verschickt Mails einwandfrei.
Mit fällt nur auf dass das Syncronisieren bei 2 Accounts nicht aufhört.
eMC läuft nun schon seit mehr als 24 Std. und Syncronisiert immer noch.
Ich habe zwar eingestellt, dass alle 4 Mailboxen auch offline verfügbar sein sollen aber das kann es doch nicht sein?
Bei TB kann man einstellen wie oft die Mailboxen beim IMAP Server aktualisiert werden sollen.
Wo finde ich diesen Punkt beim eMC?

Ein weiteres (für mich sehr verwirrendes) Problem:
Im Posteingang lese ich z.B. eine Mail.
Nun werden mir auch andere Mails vom gleichen Absender eingeblendet.
Wo kann ich dieses Feature ausschalten?

Gruß, axda

Related messages are displayed using the Conversations feature. You can disable that in Menu > View > Conversations. 

When using IMAP, you can’t change the sync frequency in eM Client because it uses IDLE IMAP, which means it waits for the server to announce new messages. There is another type of IMAP where the server waits for the client to initiate, but eM client does not support that. That option is available in Thunderbird for servers that offer that form of IMAP, but as far as I know it is quite rare. 

There are some issues with recent releases of eM Client, so you may want to try a previous version which you can download from the Release History . I suggest 7.2.35595. There are no feature differences, it just works better.

Hello Gary,

thanks for the fast reply.
The “Conservation feature” is solved.
Following your advice I downgraded and installed the EMC Version 7.2.35595.

My other questions:
Where can I edit and insert some mail addresses to the white list?

Download (yes / no) pictures from a mail which arrived.
Where can I edit those settings to have downloaded / shown all pictures in all mails which I receive?

Color Folders:
Is there a possibility to color some often used mailfolders with different colors?

What do I have to do with a “retired” Mailbox?
Every Year I start a new Mailbox.
The Mailboxes are named after the Year, e.g. 2005, 2006 etc.
Of course there are no mails coming in or to be sent from those old mailboxes.
So there is no syncing wanted. 
But sometimes I need to look for an old conversation I once sent, so I need those mailboxes to be connected and to be searchable.
I tried to disable IMAP and SMTP on those mailboxes, but then they disappear in EMC’s listing.

INBOX Problem:
I have 2 INBOXES (Posteingang):
1 seems to be a “system” inbox, at least I can’t find the corresponding file on the IMAP Server
In the listing of EMC there is no content.
2 appears as a file on the IMAP Server (see below).
There are several mails in it which I received.

When I delete the “Posteingang” No. 2 at the IMAP Server directly and new mail is coming in a new file is created automatically.
The “Posteingang” No. 1 I can#t delete as the Delete Button is gray.

This are the corresponding files on my IMAP Server:
root@cobalt:/home/axel# ls -l
total 3288
-rw------- 1 axel users  221976 Oct 10 17:15 000-Einkaufen
-rw------- 1 axel users 1315755 Oct  9 21:51 000-Flora-Danica
-rw------- 1 axel users  368651 Oct 10 18:01 000-JobBoersen
drwxrwxrwx 4 axel users    4096 Oct 11 10:41 000-Software
drwxrwxrwx 2 axel users    4096 Oct 11 10:41 000-Urlaub
drwxrwxrwx 2 axel users    4096 Oct 11 10:41 000-Verwaltung
-rw------- 1 axel users  367771 Oct 10 17:53 000-wichtige-axda-mails
-rw------- 1 axel users     558 Oct  9 10:34 Drafts
-rw------- 1 axel users     558 Oct 10 17:47 Junk
-rw------- 1 axel users  873555 Oct 11 10:32 Posteingang                2
-rw------- 1 axel users  178661 Oct 10 19:46 Sent
-rw------- 1 axel users     558 Oct 10 22:20 Trash

So how can I get rid of one of the double inboxes?

Thanks, Axel

The whitelist and setting for downloading images are at the same place:

It is not possible to color individual folders.

Your “retired” folders are called archives. If you do not need to have them synced, you can move them from the IMAP account to Local Folders. You will first need to enable Local Folders if they are not visible. Do that in Menu > Tools > Settings > General > Show Local Folders. Then you can remove the IMAP account from eM Client.

The double Inboxes is something you need to configure on your server. All eM Client does with an IMAP account is provide a cached copy of what is on the server.

Hello Gary,
I’ve been away for a few days, so my response is a little late.
I found the double Inboxes, thanks.

I hope now this is the last question:
How / where can I edit the white- or blacklist if some address should’t be on either list?
And what about Junk, if some message is marked as Junk but it isn’t?

Regards, Axel

The whitelist, which determines which sender’s external content will be downloaded, can be accessed at Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Privacy.

Blacklists are Rules created to move messages automatically to Junk, and you will find those in Menu > Tools > Rules. When you first install eM Client there is no Blacklist Rule, but you create it by right-clicking on the sender’s address and choosing Mark as Junk. If you decide later that the address or domain needs to be removed, you can edit the Blacklist Rule.

Often messages are moved to Junk by your server, so if it is not in the eM Client Blacklist Rule, then you will need to configure the message as not junk using the web interface for your email account.

Hello Gary,
ok, I understood the blacklist.
But concerning the whitelist:
I can’t find a possibility to change / add some mail addresses to the whitelist.
Isn’t it changeable?

Another question:
Up to now I have configured EMC perfectly as I think on my main computer.
Now I like to install EMC onto another computer.
But what do I have to do / copy from the configured computer to the newly installed one to have all the settings equal on both machines?

Regards, Axel

To remove addresses from the whitelist, go to Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Privacy and click on Show whitelist. You can either right-click on the contact and choose to remove it, or click on the X at the end of the line.

To add addresses to the whitelist, click on the link in the message you received. That will add the sender’s address to the list for you.

There are two ways to copy eM Client over to another computer depending on what you want to copy. For a full copy use Menu > File > Backup on one computer then copy the zip file to the other and use Menu > File > Restore. You will also need a separate license for the second computer. If you are using eM Client for personal use only, you can register an additional Free License for the second computer using a different email address. If you are using eM Client for any type of business use, then you will need to purchase an additional license.

If you don’t want the messages, but just the settings, and then maybe not all the settings, use Menu > File > Export > Export settings to xml.

This way if you just want Account settings but not signatures, rules etc, you can choose what to copy. Then copy the xml file to the other computer and choose Menu > File > Import > Import settings from xml.

I suggest the backup/restore route though.

Hello Gary,

thanks for the info’s.
I just bought 4 x eM Client 7 PRO.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Regards, Axel

Hello Gary,

hopefully now my really last question:

I 've made a backup now from my running EMC on my main computer as you proposed.

Now I’d like to install EMC on my second computer which is running with Thunderbird at the moment.
So while having EMC installed I’d like to import all Mailboxes from Thunderbird. (I know how to do it.)

After havind done this I’d like to have the same settings (and Mailboxes) which I have on the main computer where I have made the backup.
So when I do a restore on the second computer what is going to happen?
Are the earlier imported mailboxes from Thunderbird gone or will they remain?

Regards, Axel

The restore is going to replace the whole database, that means all your data and settings. What you want to do is the restore first, then import from Thunderbird after.