Is anyone else experiencing issues with PDF attachments in the iOS version of eMClient? Whenever I try to open a PDF, it says “downloading,” but nothing happens. If I click “cancel” and try again, I get an error saying the file is not available. Everything works fine on my MacBook Pro, but the eMClient app on my iPhone has been disappointing due to issues like this, along with problems with the calendar and overall slowness.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you.
Is anyone else experiencing issues with PDF attachments in the iOS version of eM Client?
No issues for me with downloading / opening PDF attachments using the latest iOS eM Client V10.0.3530 app and using iOS 17.6.1 on our IPhones and iPads.
Suggest to try power off your iOS device and wait for say eg: 30 secs and then power back on and try again. Might just be something resident in iOS memory.
Failing that, “try installing another free iOS pdf reader” such as eg: Adobe Reader from the iOS app store and then power off your iPhone and back on again and see if that fixes it. Just to rule out if there is an issue with the default iOS PDF reader.
If you already have Adobe Reader installed, try uninstall that and the power off and back on your iPhone and see if it will then open with the default iOS reader.
Now if the default iOS reader or Alt Adobe reader still wont open the PDF, then “check your have enough storage” on your iPhone as if you eg: have very little or low space left on your iOS device, then it might not be able to open or download the pdf depending on the size of the PDF.
Next if you have heaps of space / storage available on your iPhone device, then you might then need to “remove your accounts” in the eM Client mobile app and then “uninstall and then reinstall the mobile app” from the iOS app store.
If you do have to uninstall and reinstall the app from scratch, then after reinstalling as you have eM Client for desktop on your Mac, you can use eM Client desktop “Tools / QR Export” option. So once you have reinstalled the iOS app, you skip the setup and then import via QR code.