emClient Crashed When Clicking Newly Received Email

The subject says it all. The latest version crashed and now fails database verification and recovery. I see the following now:

Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 1: 'no such rowid: 245900'.
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException.ThrowExceptionForRC(Int32 rc, sqlite3 db)
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBlob..ctor(SqliteConnection connection, String databaseName, String tableName, String columnName, Int64 rowid, Boolean readOnly)
   at MailClient.Storage.Data.DatabaseCopyTool.CopyContents(Table table, Boolean sortDesc)
   at MailClient.Storage.Data.DatabaseCopyTool.CopyTableData(Table table)
   at MailClient.Storage.Data.DatabaseCopyTool.CopyInternal(String specificTable, Boolean copyIndexesViewsAndTriggers)
   at MailClient.DbRepair.CorruptionChecker.CheckCorruption(RepairOptions repairOptions, CancellationToken token)
   at MailClient.DbRepair.CheckingProcess.Check(CancellationToken token)
Table: LocalMailsIndex3_segments
databaseFile: 9b56f25f-0501-4bee-b655-c998672f98b9\ee212203-930e-4083-be75-8ac7e3948e85\mail_fti.dat

The program now fails to start. Can I recover this? I am forced to use webmail that works.

I completely uninstalled the app, deleted all email folders, and then re-installed. I now have to download all email from mail servers all over again.

After this completes, I will back-up the mail folders to avoid this ever happening again.


The new install crashed again before downloading content from servers

Now I am getting inconsistent data checks.

This is failing miserably.

I have uninstalled the latest version 10 again deleting all email content. I installed the latest version 9, and this has been downloading all content for hours now with no issues.

I will stick with versoin 9 that works.

Yes sounded like a corruption in the database.

Normally in that situation to avoid going back to V9 if nothing fixes it, if you don’t have a working eM Client V10 dated backup.zip file to restore, you can “close eM Client” and then “rename the current hidden mail database folder” to eg: eM Client-Old and “then reopen eM Client” which then will create a new database and setup as new.

Then once working, either create a manual backup regularly via “Menu / Backup”, Or setup the automatic periodic backups via "Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Backup) which by default go to your “Documents / eM Client” folder. You can then easily restore anytime if you have issues in the future via “Menu / File / Restore”.

Note: If you do regular manual backups, click the dropdown arrow on the right of Refresh and click Show Operations to see when that’s completed.

(Windows hidden eM Client database folder)

“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”

(Mac Hidden hidden eM Client database folder)

“Users\yourusername\Library\Application Support\eM Client

What you are not understanding is that a complete uninstall of version 10 foillowed by a complete deletion of “%APPDATA%\eM Client” and all content under. I performed a new install of the latest version 10 after doing this. A brand new install again results in a crash before downloading all content from three mail servers. Version 10 simply does not work. Others are making this same complaint. I am not alone.

What you are not understanding is that a complete uninstall of version 10 foillowed by a complete deletion of “%APPDATA%\eM Client” and all content under again results in a crash before downloading all content from three mail servers. Version 10 simply does not work.

As you have then tried a brand new database and also tried uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client with the latest V10, then you would need to have your eM Client logs investigated by eM Client Support to determine why it’s crashing. I personally cannot replicate those same SQL database errors in V10 using PC or Mac with 4 different types of server based mail accounts.

So suggest if you have a current active paid Pro or Personal version, and try upgrading again to V10 at a later date, if you still get the same SQL database errors, go to the following eM Client VIP support page and log in and lodge a support request to be investigated.

The only other thing I can suggest is to eg: try disabling all non OS user startup related resident programs and then reboot and see if you still get any crashing in eM Client. As could possibly be something starting up running resident is interfering. Apart from that someone else on this free community forum might have other ideas.