one emclient has two different gmails showing differely
I want it to show inbox, sent box, instead of everything being nested under [gmail] how do I do this? It’s odd that one is showing right and the other one isn’t
one emclient has two different gmails showing differely
I want it to show inbox, sent box, instead of everything being nested under [gmail] how do I do this? It’s odd that one is showing right and the other one isn’t
You can hide any account folder as per my post on the following thread to then just show the folders you want to see under your account.
Apart from hiding any account folders you don’t want in current view, you can then “drag folders to whatever position you want” under your account.
I know that I can hide the folders
but why does gmail show them in proper format for one account, and not for the other
If one Gmail account folder / labels doesn’t show the same as your online Gmail mail account folders / labels “when you first add the account”, then something has gone wrong in the local mail database which is very unusual. I’ve never seen that before with any version of eM Client.
So “if your online Gmail mail acct folders / labels are all correctly displayed”, then go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove and readd your Gmail account via the automatic account wizard.
Note: Before removing and readding your Gmail account, make a manual backup via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh at the top left.
Alternatively “if you don’t want to remove and readd that specific account”, then you can just drag any mail folders / labels up or down within the acct, till you get them in the order you want.
Lastly if your online Gmail account folders / labels “are also out of order & not correct”, then I would contact Google technical support via phone or their Community website to get that end fixed.