Embedding Web Fonts

This topic appeared several times a few years ago, but in spite of years passing, it doesn’t seem to have been solved.

If I use a font in my email that is installed on my computer but not on the recipient’s computer, the recipient will see my mail displayed in a font that I have no control of. For example, one user reported that using Calibri would show as Times New Roman on an addressee’s computer.

This can be easily solved by being able to embed web fonts in the HTML code of the message.

The most elegant option would be for EMC to always insert the proper line of code using @import or < link > (as explained here: The Ultimate Guide to Web Safe Fonts for Email Marketing | Litmus).

This way, fallback fonts could be set in Settings once and for all. Right now, we can set the standard font for a message. Why not give us the option of selecting fallback fonts and making sure the proper line of HTML code is in the message?

For example, I have the Roboto font installed on my PC. I would like to be able to write mails in Roboto with, say, Calibri and Arial as fallback fonts for those recipients’ computers that don’t have Roboto installed. If they don’t have Roboto, it shows in Calibri. If they don’t have Calibri either, it shows in Arial, which is pretty standard on most computers.

In this day and age, using different fonts really seems to be a pretty basic option that even Outlook does correctly. An advanced client like eM Client should have it, too.

Using the right font is part and parcel of brand image for many companies. It’s an important feature in business use, and the first time this was mentioned on the forum was back in 2017 I think. Still not solved, although it’s really easy - it’s just about eM Client inserting a single line of HTML code in every message.