Emails received by Gmail not showing in EM client

Ordered three identical products on line for three different recipients. Received three confirmation emails from sender into my Gmail inbox. Only one of the confirmation emails showed up in my EM client inbox (the last one sent). The first two that were sent are not in any EM client mail box. There is not any rule that has been created that would have moved or deleted these two emails. Any thoughts or information?

If you carn’t find the emails in your Gmail Inbox within eM Client, or Spam or Trash folders, then go to your “All Mail” folder in eM Client and see if they are showing there. if they are there, then drag them to your Inbox which should then re-apply the Inbox label to those messages.

Now “if they are not in All Mail”, then sounds like either your Gmail account in eM Client has got out of sync with your online mailbox folders / labels or something has happened to your account in eM Client.

So next try repairing your Gmail account in eM Client. “Right click on All Mail”, and then click “Properties” at the bottom. Next click the “Repair” tab at the top, and finally click “Repair”.

Note:- Repairing the account clears all the local cache, so messages will take time to re-read until fully cached again.

Apart from that if still makes difference, then must be a local account problem and you will need to remove and re-add your Gmail account. To do that go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove and re-add your accounts via the automatic email wizard at the top. Remember to click allow on the browser popup at the end of the wizard to give eM Client access to your Gmail account.

Note:- Before doing anything make a backup of eM Client incase anything goes wrong. Click “Menu / Backup” (Pc) or “File / Backup” (Mac). You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the dropdown arrow on the right of Refresh top left.

Hi @cyberzork . Thank you for your reply.
The problem is not with the email. I do see all emails received. The problem is that when someone sends me an email with a meeting invitation, I receive the email, I accept the meeting invitation. The meeting appears in my Google Calendar in EmClient. The problem is that the meeting will not be in Google calendar so it will not appear on my other devices (e.g. phone).
If I get a meeting invitation for my Outlook account I do the same and it works. One difference is that when I accept the Google meeting request, after I accept the email stays read in inbox. When I accept a meeting request for outlook calendar, the email with the invitation disappears. Probably it is a config problem.
Thank you for your help.

The meeting appears in my Google Calendar in EmClient. The problem is that the meeting will not be in Google calendar so it will not appear on my other devices (e.g.)

That is strange meeting events showing in eM Client Google calendar are not synching online.

If you add a “non meeting” normal calendar event manually into your eM CIient Google calendar does that appear in your Google calendar online ?

Thanks your your reply. It is very stange indeed.
If I add on EmClient an event or meeting in Google Calendar it does appear in Google calendar. No problem there.
The only problem if if I get am email from someone with a meeting invite for my Google account, I accept the invite in EM-Client and it appears in EmClient google calendar. However it is not sync to google calendar and I do not see it in other devices.

One interesting behaviour is that in EmClient if I accept a meeting invitation for Outlook, the invitation goes out of inbox and the meeting is registered. If I accept an invitation in EmClient for a google account the invitation stays in inbox (without the accept button).
If I accept the meeting invitation in Google calendar (using Chrome) it works well and appears in EmClient calendar.

I really do not understand this.
Any tips are welcome.
Thank you for your help.

If I add on EmClient an event or meeting in Google Calendar it does appear in Google calendar. No problem there.

Ok so definitely eM CIient is connected to your Google calendar online and not blocked, as its synching events or meetings “you manually add in”, just not the meeting email invite ones as you advised.

I have seen this specific issue with the eg: eM Client mobile beta app , where accepting a Google calendar meeting invite via email never updated their personal Google Calendar no matter how many times they pressed Accept.

However when the user pressed accept in their Gmail mobile app it did update their Google Calendar.

So there is something different that happens “in the way the mail clients respond” viewing the same email when users press the accept invite button.

The only way this user got the meeting invite to update their Google calendar, was to “save & open the meeting email attached (.ics file) manually”, which then added it to their Google Calendar.

This is a roundabout way that may also work for you using the desktop app till this issue is resolved.

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Thank you for your reply. I will try as you indicated.