emails not downloading - Imap ok, POP3 (Network solutions account) sends but not receives

I have gmail accounts which send and receive fine. I have a pop3 account which downloaded when first installed but does not now receive. Sends ok. Diagnostics check as ok. Send and receive box just stays open with nothing happening in the downloading bar. No errors appear.
The account is my own domain through network solutions. using POP port 110. Have tried secure connections and not. The test messages generated are being received when I look online.

Very frustrated - love the look and feel of this program but this is killing me

Hi Julie, what version of eM Client are you currently using on your computer, can you check for the exact version number in Help > About? Can you make a screenshot of your POP3 settings from Tools > Accounts > Your POP account > POP3?

Are you using a secure connection for downloading new messages from the server? Are you using any security software on your computer, that could disable the application’s ability to download new messages?

Are you seeing any errors when trying to receive?

Thank you,

I’m using version 6.021040.0
I am on  a verizon home wifi network with WAP2 using Norton 360 as my security software
this is the message that comes up - no errors just sits like this for hours till I dismiss

Can you try to disable your Norton antivirus software temporarily and check if the issue persists?

Thank you,

tried that. still no luck

Hi again, can you please try to install this release and check again if the issue persists (without the security enabled)?

Thank you,

That worked! I turned the security back on and it still works!
Thank you Paul

Hi Julie, glad it works, please make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions about the application, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,