Emails Missing from Backup when Restored

You can either do a partial restore “from and previous eM Client file”. or you can do a partial restore “from a previous hidden mail database folder” if you don’t have any eM Client files.

(How to do a partial restore from a backup)

1). If you have been making regular eM Client backups and have an eM Client backup zip file in your “Documents / eM Client” folder with the messages you need, then “Close eM Client” and then go to the following eM Client Pc or Mac database folder location and rename the folder to eg: eM Client-Current.

(Hidden database folder Windows)
C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\eM Client

(Hidden database folder Mac)
/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/eM Client

2). Then “disconnect from the Internet” and then open eM Client and “skip the setup account wizard”. Then restore your eM Client file with the missing messages in it via “Menu / File / Restore”.

3). Next you need to export your messages you need either via using “Menu / File / Export” or by Creating a folder on your desktop called eg: eM Client-Old , and then dragging / moving any messages and/or any custom message folders you do want to the eM Client-Old desktop folder.

4). Then once you have all the messages out of eM Client, then close eM Client and “delete the new eM Client hidden database folder”. Then rename your original eM Client-Current database folder back to eM Client. Then reopen eM Client.

5). Next import your missing messages that you either exported / saved via “Menu / File / Import”, or by dragging the messages & message folders back from the eM Client-Old desktop folder into eM Client. Then lastly reconnect to the Internet.

(How to do a partial restore from the hidden mail data folder)

If you haven’t been making regular eM Client backups and “have no file” in your Documents / eM Client folder, “but do have your eM Client hidden database folder location backed up” with the missing messages in it, then do the following.

1). Close eM Client and then go to your current hidden database folder location and rename it to eM Client-Current.

(Hidden database folder Windows)
C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\eM Client

(Hidden database folder Mac)
/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/eM Client

2). Then copy your backed up “eM Client hidden database folder” with the missing messages in it “to the same hidden database folder location” and then “disconnect from the Internet”.

3). Next open eM Client which should then be the same as it was before with all the missing messages.

4). Now you need to export your messages you need either via using “Menu / File / Export” or by Creating a folder on your desktop called eg: eM Client-Old, and then “dragging / moving” any messages and/or any custom message folders you do want to the eM Client-Old desktop folder.

5). Then once you have all the messages out of eM Client, then close eM Client and “delete the new eM Client hidden database folder”. Then “rename your original eM Client-Current database folder back to eM Client”. Then reopen eM Client.

6). Next “import your old messages” that you either exported / saved via “Menu / File / Import”, or by “dragging the messages & message folders” back from the eM Client-Old desktop folder to eM Client. Then lastly reconnect to the Internet.