In emClient 9 I have noticed that when replying to emails the original text is not included in the new/reply email. I have checked that settings are correct. Anyone else getting this?
Click “Menu / Settings / Mail / Replies and Forwards”, and change the reply format to Include original message text.
If you already have that setting, then below the email message when you reply or forward, you will normally see "three dots … " which when you click the three dots will reveal the original email text.
i use osx em client version 9.2.1222
i´ve enabled that reply settings allready … nowadays i comes more often, when i reply to an email. there is no original text . just my signature (look a like i compose a new email) -
also the problem by forwarding emails …
is there a known reason or a workaround for that …
right now i have to switch to apple mail to answer the mail … .because its necessary that there is a original text available…
thx for your feedback.
br florian
sadly 9.2.1628 doesnt fix the problem.
nobody else has this issue ?
I had the same problem when I configured eM Client to always convert mails to plain text (Preferences → Mail → Compose). When I reverted that configuration to “Autodetect from original message” it worked again for me. Using version 10.1.4417 on MacOS.