The email account that has my pro licence associated with it needs to be changed as it will cease to operate soon. Anyone help with this?
The email account that has my pro licence associated with it needs to be changed as it will cease to operate soon. Anyone help with this?
If you current email account is going to be completely disconnected and you want to save all your account mail first, you have 3 options.
1). If you have a new or alt email address, go to “Menu / Accounts” and setup that account. Then once setup, drag / move all your current account email and any custom email folders over to your new account. Then once you are certain all your email is moved across, then remove the current account in Accounts. You can see when the mail has been fully moved / transferred over via clicking the drop-down arrow on the right of Refresh and clicking Show Operations.
2). Or you can create a folder down in “Local Folders” at the bottom left of eM Client called eg: Old Mail. Then drag / move all your current account email and any custom mail folders down under Old Mail. Then once you are certain that’s all moved, go to Menu / Accounts and remove your current mail account that is closing.
If you don’t have Local folders enabled” up to V9, go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General” and enable Show local folders.
To show Local Folders in V10, go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and enable Local Folders
3). Or if you have eM Client V10, you can go to “Menu / Data Files” and create an external .emdf data file on your Hard-disk also called eg: Old Mail, which by default normally goes in your user profile “Documents / eM Client” folder. Then once created, you can also drag / move your existing account mail and any custom mail account folders down under that Old Mail folder. Then once you are certain that’s all moved, go to Menu / Accounts and remove your current mail account that is closing.
The .emdf data file can then “either be left permanently open” to access anytime or “can be closed (unmounted) and reopened (mounted) at anytime later” if it’s not being used all the time.
I do not think I have made myself clear. Looking to change the email account I use to update my subscriptions to emClient. Apologises for confusion.
Ok then go to the VIP Support page and login and lodge a support ticket to have that changed.