eM customization: sender icon

I need customize the icon sender, at e-mail messages. The eM webmail offers this customization feature?
Thanks for any reply,

I need customize the icon sender, at e-mail messages

If you have already setup a global customized Avatar “connected to your same email address” from sites such as eg: Gravatar.com or Gmail or Facebook or your own Domain etc, then when you send an email in eM Client, that same customised avatar icon will show to your email recipients.

If you haven’t already setup a global avatar as in the above examples, then reccomend Gravatar.com which once setup on their site will populate to eM Client usually within and hour.

The eM webmail offers this customization feature.

eM Client doesn’t have webmail, only the desktop and mobiles apps. The mobile apps will also show your global customized avatar icon.

Hi. I just set up my gravatar account yesterday. When I send an email to myself, the image does not show up in the EM Client Windows app nor the iOS app. Instead, the inbox and sent folders show the default image with my initials. If I send an email to others, the icon does show up on their email app.In fact, shouldn’t a gravatar image also show up in this forum?