EM Client will not fetch mail from my Yahoo account

I have been using EM Client for a couple of months with no problems for both gmail and yahoo accounts. Last week the client quit fetching emails from the yahoo account. The little circle just spins. I went to Menu/Account/General and both SMTP and IMAP are checked. As far as I know, the ports haven’t changed. Why won’t it sync?

What version of eM Client are you using ? and do you have Windows or Mac.

Also have you tried removing your Yahoo IMAP account and re-adding it via the “automatic email setup wizard” via Menu / Accounts.

Thanks for responding. The version is 9.1.2109 (9967b93). It says no updates available. It’s on Windows. If I remove the current account and re-add it, do I lose all the stuff I’ve put in folders and all my old mail? I have no problems with my gmail account. This only started a little over a week ago.

If I remove the current account and re-add it, do I lose all the stuff I’ve put in folders and all my old mail?

If it’s a normal Yahoo IMAP email account when you re-add your account, any folders you have created “directly under your Yahoo account” will all come back automatically.

It’s only normally with Yahoo POP accounts that you would have to first manually copy your email folder contents down to “Local folders” at the bottom left of eM Client before removing your POP account to avoid loosing old email.

Note: Before removing any account though, Backup eM Client first via “Menu / Backup” which you can then restore if need be. You can see when the backup is completed via “Menu / Operations”.

I removed the Yahoo account, then used the wizard to add the account. I’m still not getting any mail. I’m not sure how it added the account since it never asked for the password. I’ve done it twice with the same results. Does EM Client just not play well with Yahoo, like Microsoft, Outlook and other clients I’ve tried?