Em client toolbar

Hello, what about the em client toolbar on browsers. I have read bad articles about that.

Hi Robert, I’m not completely sure what you’re referring to, can you make a screenshot of the issue?

eM Client does not currently force you to use any toolbars in browsers and does not include one in it’s installation either.
As far as I know there are no existing eM Client toolbars of eM Client.

Thank you,

Hello Paul,

I’am refering to such video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxU7IeC2K8I

Or this article (in French) : http://www.begeek.fr/em-client-il-malware-128440



Hi Robert, unfortunately it seems like this has been developed by a third party developer, notice the “Publisher” in the Control Panel on that video, that points to “iGeared”, this may be a malicious software company developing such application under our brand name.

However as I previously noted browser toolbars are not a part of the installation.

Thank you,


Thank you for your answer. I am reassured now and I will try your solution very soon.



Hi again, glad I could help, please make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions about the application, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,