eM Client suddenly stopped working on my PC

Good day! I’m having a problem with eM Client on my PC.

I have been using eM Client for many years. Then last night, it just suddenly stopped working. It does not run anymore on startup & it seems that Windows does not allow eM Client to open my emails anymore. I tried to repair the installation at least 3 times already (using emclient-v9.2.2157) & everytime eM Client initializes after my repair, it just stops.

Here is a link to the screen capture video of how it happened: 24.02.2024_02.04.44_REC

I would really appreciate your help on this matter. Thanks!

It may be a database issue rather than an application one.

But you can try reinstall, rather than repair. To do that:

  1. Close and uninstall eM Client, making sure NOT to delete the database folder when asked. That will ensure all your data and settings are there later.

  2. If it exists, delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client folder.

  3. Download and install the latest version from here: https://www.emclient.com/dist/latest/setup.msi

  4. Restart eM Client.

If you still have the same issue, then rename the database folder to see if you get the same issue with a new one.

To do that, with eM Client closed (I know it closes as soon as you open it) open Windows Explorer and go to C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\ . You may have to enable hidden items in Explorer to get there. Rename the \eM Client\ folder and then start eM Client. You will be in a blank database, so add your email account and see what happens.