eM Client Recieves corrupt emails


I use eM Client versie 8.2.1721 (3b3cd99)

Now I have a problem with receiving emails.

Sometime the email are unreadable, see enclosed sample.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks for your answer.

If this senders email has allways been like that, sometimes that can happen if they are using either “a non standard html mailer” or “you might need a later eM Client version” to view it.

Has that sender email allways been like that ?

Also do you know what mail client they use ?

Also have you tried a later version of eM Client ?


The corrupt recieving emails isn’t always but random.
And also not always the same sender.
I thought, before I will buy een later version of eM Cliënt I will find out if there is something wrong with the settings.

The corrupt recieving emails isn’t always but random, and also not always the same sender.

Try then right clicking in the body of the email and select Format / Plain Text and see if you can see any of that area that is not displaying properly. Then change again back to HTML.

Before I will buy a later version of eM Cliënt I will find out if there is something wrong with the settings.

Apart from normally viewing the email body in HTML or Plain Text via the right click Format, there is really only the Privacy settings “to allow external content in the body of the email” from specific contacts or all contacts or display unsafe content in all messages etc.

You can check that settings via “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / Mail / Privacy”.

So “if you have already allowed external content from those senders” and you still only see the content sometimes without errors in HTML body view, then I would suggest to try uninstalling eM Client, and if you have Windows “don’t delete the database” when asked on the uninstall wizard. Then redown “the same version” via the release history page and see if that makes any difference.

If still the same random problem displaying then you would have two options.

One would be if you have a current active paid Pro V8, to go to the VIP support page and login and lodge a support ticket to have one of those emails investigated. They will probably get you to export one of those emails as a .eml file to be checked out.

Or you could upgrade to the latest V10 and see if you still have that same random problem. If you do purchase the upgrade, you will get 12 months VIP support if it still has the same issue. There is also a Personal version that includes 3 devices.

If you do upgrade to V10, backup eM Client first via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh top left.

Thanks for all the support.

I bought V10 and hope that the fault in the incoming emails are solved.

Thanks again