eM Client not working with Hotmail Windows 7

A friend of mine cannot get eM Client to communicate with hotmail when setting it up for the first time with Windows 7?

However when I added his hotmail to my eM Client with windows 10 it was able to communicate
fine thus adding his account properly?

Anyone got any ideas?

A friend of mine cannot get eM Client to communicate with hotmail when setting it up for the first time with Windows 7?

We would need to know more information.

How far do they get up to in the email wizard setup with the Hotmail account?

Also what error message are they getting?

Also what version of eM Client are they using?

Hi, I have tried the latest and older versions of eM Client but still have the same results. The error that we seem to be getting is the red triangle I think next to the account once created.

The other thing I noticed is I don’t think we got the box with the red arrow pointing to it up on his computer but I did on mine?

TLS 1.2, which is required, is not enabled in Windows 7.

This page may help you to enable it.

Once you have done that, try the account setup again.

Great and thanks for your help, will try that when I next see my friend. The strange thing though it was working with windows 7 up until a few months ago?

Hello again, I followed the instructions to enable TSL 1.2 on Windows 7 but it still won’t work. I tried my email account with Yahoo and it worked fine, it just won’t do it with his Hotmail account, it seems eM Client won’t communicate even though I click to allow?

Hello again, I followed the instructions to enable TSL 1.2 on Windows 7 but it still won’t work.

Try setting a different browser as the default.

Thanks. I downloaded Firefox and set it to default as you said but it seems to be stuck on the screen that asks for the password?
You can’t see from the picture but the progress bar (blue dots) keep flashing and that’s about it nothing else happens?


I think you may not have enabled TLS 1.2.

Please try that again.

Thanks again for your help but I’ve checked TLS 1.2 and it has been enabled but still not getting me anywhere? Not sure what to do now?

TSL 1.2

lunes 26 junio 2023 :: 1049hrs (UTC +0100)

Although you have enabled TLS 1.2 are you absolutely certain that you had previously installed “Service Pack 1 for Windows 7” this is a pre-requisite or TLS 1.2 although enabled will not work. (a Microsoft quirk)
Also if you have subsequently installed any, for instance Language modules or other MS stuff, you will need to start from the beginning again.

Just a thought as you appear to have an issue with this.



¡Los mejores desde Valencia la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Thanks. I have service pack 1 installed and haven’t installed any language modules or other MS stuff.

I just do not know what on earth is going on?


lunes 26 junio 2023 :: 2115hrs (UTC +0100)

I hope you understand this as I have translated from my native Spanish.
I have needed to search archives for a solution
This is not the first time that this has been done, the last was several years ago when the fee was €450.oo

I have to accept your statement that you have correctly and successfully enabled TLS 1.2 because I do not have access to your computer to check for myself, however, after many years of running a computer support company (compucall.com) I have learned to only accept the evidence of my own eyes, and that I can not do, so I need you to confirm a number of entries on your computer before I am prepared to proceed to a possible solution.

I am also restricted in what I can post here.

Make certain that you do not change any spacings etc.

Unfortunately because Win 7 is no longer supported by MS you will need to do the following and not simply run Windows update.

1./ Confirm these entries in your Registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client
DWORD name: DisabledByDefault
DWORD value: 0

2./ If your settings do not EXACTLY match run this Microsoft utility to add and or correct the DefaultSecureProtocols registry subkeys.

3./ You will also need to download the TLS 1.2 update file for Windows 7 from Windows catalogue.

(Microsoft Update Catalog)

Hopefully this will correct your issue with the proviso that there is not some other issue.



¡Los mejores desde Valencia la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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If nothing works for your friends Windows 7, then suggest to maybe look at upgrading to Windows 10 on your friends pc. As @skybat says Windows 7 is no longer supported anyway, so for security reasons your friend would be wise to do that. You then won’t have issues with installing eM Client.

Well I have tried all of the things suggest and followed the instructions to a T but nothing will work at all.
I think you’re right we will have to upgrade to windows 10 and as you said it should be better. Is it still free to upgrade to windows 10 though?

martes 27 junio 2023 :: 0944hrs (UTC +0100)

It should be with your current Win 7 Licence.
You will need to use the media creation tool, visit the Microsoft Software Download Windows 10 page from Windows 7 upgrade, I can not remember exactly where the interface it is in the OS but you should be able to find it.

It will also be sensible to check that your PC can run Win 10 - it should as the architecture of both Win 7 & 10 systems are almost identical.

If you run into any problems message me and I will ask for a direct download link and registration key.



¡Los mejores desde Sevilla la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


viernes 30 junio 2023 :: 1048hrs (UTC +0100)

Hey @Craig7

To follow on from my last post, do not worry if you can not find the Win 7 Licence you can still run upgrade (you will see an option for this) because if the system is registered with Microsoft an electronic Licence will be automatically allocated.
However, as I said before if you have an issue I can help.



¡Los mejores desde Spielberg, Austria y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


Is it still free to upgrade to windows 10

I just upgraded yesterday a Win 7 Home to Win 10 home with the original licence key that came with the computer as it was still stamped on the Microsoft Sticker on the computer. Most laptops and Desktops had the Win 7 MS license on either the case or underneath, so look for it there.

Windows 10 activated perfectly with the Win 7 original key for free using the media creation tool method as @skybat advised above. No new license required. So definitely they still appear to be upgrading to Win 10 for free at this stage.

I even did a clean install of Win 10 recently using a USB stick and the Media creation tool using an existing Win 7 registered license key & was free.

Note: When I did the clean install of Win 10 via booting on the USB stick, I skipped the product key when it asks for it, and then later went into the Win 10 Settings / System / About and clicked “Change Product key” and then entered the Win 7 registered license key which then activated Win 10 fine.


Brilliant and thank you for your time and that information…

Okay great, thanks again…