Em Client kann nach Win 10 21H2-Update die Datenbanken nicht mehr reparieren

Hallo Community,
der em Client kann nach Win 10 21H2-Update die Datenbanken nicht mehr reparieren und startet nicht mehr, gibt es ein Repair-Tool? Ich traue mich auch nicht, den Client einfach so neu zu installieren.

Danke für euere Hilfe
Jeannette und ein glückliches neues Jahr!

You try to start eMC, eMC indicates it must check the database… am I correct in my understanding? What happens after that?

Error messages?
EMC version?
Do you have a database backup, using MENU > BACKUP?

Hello sunriseal,
yes, you are correct. After trying to start eMC the checks and repairs are working and stopping whith the message, the repair was not successful. I have a backup, but if i am not able to start the client, i have no menue -> backup. Is it possible to start the client in safe mode? Thank you

Was this backup done with eM CLIENT?
Windows or MAC?

It is done with Windows 10

Are you using IMAP or POP3?

POP3, but the problem seems to be local, there are distroyed dlls. Version of emC and errors see at the pictures

I am at a disadvantage reading the verbiage in the displayed screen shots… I only understand English.

There are others in the forum that are able to work with your language and will pop in here to help.

If it is a database issue then you will have to rely on the “Windows backup” to try and recover the backed up eMC database.
If it is an eMC program corruption (your mention of DLL and program errors might be a clue) then you can uninstall eMC (NOT deleting the database) and install the current version 8 from here.

After this is resolved ensure that you setup eMC to do automated daily backups keeping 5 iterations. Setup is quite easy and important especially for POP3 users (that includes me :wink:).

I would suggest then to maybe try rolling back 21H1 to whatever prev build of OS you had and then as @sunriseal advised open eM Client and backup via “Menu / Backup” and then update the OS again. You can manually uninstall Windows updates.