eM Client Install: Not All Mail Downloading / Spinning Wheel


I just installed eM Client. Not all messages are downloading in my ~10 accounts. The client continues to show a spinning wheel after more than two hours. For example, one email account has All Mail messages 20,674 out of 90,538. Another has All Mail total of 22 out of 1,188.

Is there a limitation setting on how many emails I can download or a bandwidth limit on # of emails per hour?



miércoles 27 noviembre 2024 :: 2028hrs (UTC +0100)

eMC does not have a limit, however, it is possible that your
email provider might have limits.
You will just need to be patient and of course your connection
speed will determine how long the process takes.

¡Buena suerte!


¡Saludos desde Sevilla la soleada en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.