em client crashes using calendar

suddenly em-client crashes when clicking to calendar !  (im using Google-calendar and  and Outlook calendar)    

Hi Kurt,
there is a bug in the month view of the program that manifested with the leap year.
This update should fix the issue: http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.249…


thank you – probem solved !

Perform the following steps.
Exit eM.
Set your system date to February 28.
Start eM.
GO to Calendar and select ANY view except Month view. I prefer Week view.
GO back to mail.
Exit eM.
Reset system date to February 29.
Start eM.
Everything should work but do NOT go to Month view. It will immediately experience an application error.
Hope this helps.

hi eric   !

i installed the patch mentioned in olivias reply and everything is fine
