eM Client crashes immediately

Hello, my eM Client crashes on me constantly. I would like to reinstall but I’m afraid that I loose all my messages (inbox etc.).
Any advice on how to proceed?
Thank you.

If you want to try reinstalling eM Client, first make a manual backup via “Menu / Backup”. You can see when the backup is complete via clicking “Show Operations” in the dropdown on the right of Refresh at the top left.

Then uninstall eM Client and if you have Windows “don’t delete the database” when asked on the uninstall wizard. Then re-download the same or later version from the release history page and reinstall.

Now if uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client makes no difference, and you have an IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud (non pop account) and nothing in Local folders at the bottom left, then next remove and readd your account/s and all your emails etc will come back once added.

Note: If you do remove and readd your account/s, your messages will be slower to re-read till fully cached.

Lastly if eM Client is only crashing when opening, then make sure you are closing / exiting it before you shutdown your computer or it will corrupt it.

Thank you cyberzork,
I can’t make a backup because eM Client crashes after it checks the database. I see the usual UI but then it dies on me and shows the error screen.
What to do now?
Thank you.

If you can’t get into eM Client as it’s crashing then sounds like your database is corrupted & either needs manually repairing or creating a new one.

So to try manually repairing your database do the following via @Gary post below from the following thread.


On a PC, close eM Client and open a Windows Command Prompt. Not a powershell, but a command prompt. Paste in this command including the leading "

“C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe” /dbrepair

Or, on a Mac, quit eM Client and open a Terminal. Paste in this command:

/Applications/eM\ Client.app/Contents/MacOS/eM\ Client /dbrepair

When that is done, restart eM Client as see if you still have the issue.

Now if the manual repair makes no difference, then you will need to manually “rename the current eM Client hidden database folder” to eg: eMClient-Old and then open eM Client which will then open the automatic account wizard to setup as new.

Windows hidden eM Client database folder)
“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”

(Mac Hidden hidden eM Client database folder)
“Users\yourusername\Library\Application Support\eM Client”

OK, CyberZork, I’m back on Tuesday morning.

When I start eM Client, I pass both checks for “Corrupted” and “Inconsistent” database, then the program opens for 5 seconds and then it crashes.

I did the database repair and both checks for the database passes successfully.

I found the eM Client database folder but I hesitate and don’t know how to rename it. Please help.

Also, can I restore my old database over the new database as I have important local folders which I cannot loose.

Thank you.
Michael Emrich


I was able to rename the database folder to eMClient Old and started eM Client successfully. I get emails in my inbox and it seems that all emails in my inbox are restored from the server.

What I’m missing are my local folders like “order confirmation” and others which should be in the old database folder. Is there any way I can copy these local folders back into my current eM Client?

Thank you so much for your support.

OK, I found my local folders. What I’m still missing are the “Contacts”. There are no email addresses in Contacts anymore. Any chance to get those back, please? Perhaps from the OLD database?

Thank you.

I restored from an old backup file and everything is back, including contacts.

thank you for your help.

HELP Please,

I believed that eM Client was fixed, but that was too early. The program crashes the same way as before.
Both database checks pass and the UI comes up but then it crashes and shows me a long list of error messages.
I deleted eM Client, saving the database, and reinstalled again. But no change. It crashes immediately after the database checks. I cannot even restore from my previous backup as it dies before I can start the restore.
Now I have no idea how to proceed.
Thanks for your help.

Cyberzork, are you still here? Help please!

I was able to rename the database folder to eMClient Old and started eM Client successfully. I get emails in my inbox and it seems that all emails in my inbox are restored from the server.

What I’m missing are my local folders like “order confirmation” and others which should be in the old database folder. Is there any way I can copy these local folders back into my current eM Client?

You can do partial restores from an eM Client backup. See the following blog page.

How to do a partial restore


OK, I found my local folders. What I’m still missing are the “Contacts”. There are no email addresses in Contacts anymore. Any chance to get those back, please? Perhaps from the OLD database?

After creating a new database and finding your local folders stuff, if you have no contacts, you could then eg: go online to your webmail and export your contacts as a .vCard (.vcf) or Comma Separated Value (.csv) and then import the contacts into eM Client via “Menu / File / Import”.

You could also restore your contacts to .vcf from an old eM Client backup via the Partial Restore as per the eM Client blog link above via. Then import that in a new eM Client database as per that same procedure.

I restored from an old backup file and everything is back, including contacts.

I believed that eM Client was fixed, but that was too early. The program crashes the same way as before.

If eM Client is again crashing after restoring an eM Client backup, then either that database was corrupted at the time of the backup, or there is something locally on your computer running resident causing eM Client to crash.

So if you have any earlier backups, try them, or if no other backups try disabling all background tasks other than the default OS Startup files and reboot and see if eM Client then works ok.

This behavior happens also to me, only while my PC is locked (no sleep, no hibernation). Any solution there?