Em Client Crashes Adobe Acrobat X Pro

Keep getting Adobe acrobat (not responding) only when EM Client is open on windows 10.  Not sure when it started but it is within the last few months.  Can’t open acrobat attachments or files from my file explorer when em client is running

Did you try and reinstall Adobe Acrobat?

Yes. Twice. The only consistent thing is if I don’t open up am client I can use Adobe Acrobat 10 Pro with no problems. When it is open and I pull an email with Adobe attachment or when it’s just open on the desktop and I try to go into a file from my server it won’t open on my desktop. Sorry it actually opens but then it freezes and I can’t scroll up and down on the page.

If you are not already using the latest update of eM Client, it is available to download at http://www.emclient.com/release-history. Try that and see if there is a difference.

If you have a Pro License maybe you could open a support ticket. If they can reproduce it maybe they can fix it.