Em Client adds automatically display name & indidual names

Hi all,
i didn´t find a post matching to my problem, but if there are already some posts,
please let me know!
em Client 10 seems to be have a annoying behavior and do not know where to turn off.
My Contacts will be synct from mailbox.org, i do not import them or save them locally.
I have some companies within my address book and em Client is adding
the companies name into the individual names, and display name fields, for example:

Company AOA Germany
First name: AOK
Last name; Germany
Display name: Germany, AOK

This is only within em Client - the original entries are not touched,
but this is really annoying.

Is there a possibility to disable this behavior?

Thank you very much
best regards

It may be the same as I just commented here:

Hi Gary,
many thanks for your quick response.
Unfortunately this is not what i am looking for.
My proplem is within the contacts section.
I attached a little screen to this message.
As you can see, emclient showing in the top row the “display name” - and this is in the wrong order. In the second line it shows the company´s name and this is correct. Within the providers address book, the “display name” is not entered, this is something em client is adding just it´s own addressbook

This “feature” is really annoying and i want to get rid of it

Best regards

That’s the File As field.

By default it takes the Name and Surname from the contact full name. You can change the order it is displayed here, then click on Update Contacts.

Or you can edit the contact and type a different File As name in the Details tab.

If the File As field is not visible, select it from the Add Personal Details link in that window.