Editing themes, making it stick

When editing themes, my trial and error, it seems the work flow is:

  1. Find a theme to start with that is close to what I want.
  2. Use Theme Editor, Save-As to save the theme
  3. Edit the theme, click Apply to see the effect
  4. Save the theme settings
  5. The new theme needs to be loaded before the changes stick via: in Settings > Appearances > Import Theme > Apply

Even though I can make changes to the theme and Apply the changes and see the effects, once I click Settings > Save & Close the theme reverts to back to the last loaded. So I have to save or save-as to a new theme file then load it.

Why can’t changes to a theme apply the currently loaded theme? Then I have the option to Save-As as backup? The current workflow isn’t intuitive.

Once you have edited a theme, save it, then import it into eM Client.

If you later want to make further changes to it, edit it, save it, and import the new theme into eM Client.

Thanks Gary for the quick response. I discovered that is the required workflow. It’s just wasn’t intuitive to have make changes, then save, then re-load the theme to make it stick. Changes should be persistent with the option to save for backup or distribution/sharing.

Well, you can edit your imported themes directly by opening them into the Theme Editor.

By default they will be in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\Themes. You may have to enable hidden items in Explorer to get there. /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/eM Client/Themes on Mac.

Edit it and save it. Then you will need to restart eM Client, or apply another theme then apply your custom one again.

Thanks I’ll try that. I’m only a few-days into using em client so lots to explore yet. So far I like what I see.