Easy way to disable pop-up menu when typing a colon in an email body?

I frequently type the colon character in the body of my emails. Whether making the start of a list, in various ratio formulas, or simply to type an emoticon :slight_smile:

However, when I type a colon by itself in the body of an email, eM Client seems to think I want to pop up a selection menu of various characters and emoji. I never want this. I just smash the Esc key until this strange menu (that always starts with “Diamond”) goes away.

How can I suppress this menu from ever appearing at all?

In Settings > Mail > Compose > Emojis, Save and Close

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Oh wow, I had not updated eM Client in a moment, it turns out! That was it. I had actually looked right there before but I wasn’t on the latest version somehow. Thanks!

You can also just “press the spacebar” when the emoji appears without disabling it permanently.