Don't want to check Junk folder for all my Accounts!

Hi - I just discovered that emails marked as spam in my servers are ending up in the Junk folders for each of the 7 Accounts I have set up in eM Client. And, there are valid emails in there that I thought just magically disappeared!

There is no way to move from Junk to one of the categories as there is in the other folders. When I right click on a message in Junk, I"ve attached a screenshot of what appears. I don’t see anything that allows me to mark an email as “not Junk.”

How can I avoid needing to check all of them every day?

*** Can the Other tab be used somehow?
*** Can I Make the Junk category show up in the Inboxes category line with the Primary, Promotions, Social, etc where all emails from the accounts are consolidated?

Please help!

Hi - I just discovered that emails marked as spam in my servers are ending up in the Junk folders for each of the 7 Accounts I have set up in eM Client.

So you need to mark those emails “on your server end” in webmail as “Not Spam / Not Junk” which then will then normally move them back to your Server Inbox and then train your server mailbox for future to keep them in your Inbox. That will then inturn mirror in eM Client in your Primary or Other Categories depending on the type of email.

Can I Make the Junk category show up in the Inboxes category line with the Primary.

The Junkmail folder is not meant to show up as a Category. It’s a specific separate mail folder.

So, I still need to check all of my Account’s Junk folders to train and catch new emails that shouldn’t be in Junk, is that what you are saying?

Thanks for the info, but I can’t believe that eM Client hasn’t come up with a better approach than that. Why can’t the Junk emails be consolidated in one place??

In addition, I know that some of the emails in the Junk folder also appear in the Promotions and Updates categories. I can’t tell if the same email is ending up in both places, but certainly emails from the same domain have shown up in a Category.

Why would that be?

Hi Kathleen,

You can right click the “junk” message and select Move to Inbox > Move to Inbox and remove blacklisted domain. That should help.



So, I still need to check all of my Account’s Junk folders to train and catch new emails that shouldn’t be in Junk, is that what you are saying?.

Yes if your online mailbox is automatically moving “some new non junk emails” you want to the Junkmail folder “at the server end” and you want to stop that happening, then you have two options.

1). Either by going into those mail account Junkmail folders online via your webmail and “marking them as not spam”, which then your online mailbox will learn for future to keep them in your Inbox and inturn will then appear in the eM Client Inbox or Inbox Categories.

If you just drag them back in eM Client from the Junkmail folder to your account Inbox, that doesn’t normally train the server mailbox, so that’s why you normally need to mark them as not spam or not junk online in your account webmail.

2). Or alternatively you could “disable the automatic spam filtering in your mailbox online”, which then all your emails will arrive in your various account Inboxes or Category Inboxes, and you can then either manually move unwanted mail to the junk folder, or setup local rules in eM Client to automatically move unwanted mail to the Junkmail folder.

See extract from @Gary below on eM Client Spam Filtering from the following thread.

“eM Client doesn’t have spam filtering. That is left to your email provider. In modern times where users access the same account from multiple devices and apps, it is not efficient to have separate spam detection on each device and app. Rather, it can be done at the source, and have the same clean Inbox on all devices and apps when and if they connect to that account”.

“And some providers, like Google have artificial neural networks costing millions to detect and manage spam. A desktop app just can’t compete with that”.

Hi Fahim - thanks for the response. I’ve attached a screenshot of the menu I see when I right click on an email in the Junk folder. I’ve tried this in more than one Junk folder. Does anyone have any idea why my choices are different? I don’t see the “Move to Inbox” menu item.

That’s strange! :no_mouth:

The menu in your screenshot appears when you right-click on a message in an “inbox” folder. I can see a “move to junk” option in there. This should ideally not show up in a Junk folder!

Can anyone else confirm this?

Apparently, eM Client syncs junk mail with the source email provider. When I marked a message as junk in my Hotmail inbox using eM Client, it quickly appeared in the Junk Folder on webmail and all my devices. Marking a mail as junk in webmail also reflects in the app. It works both ways.

Hello again - yes, my webmail provider said it would coordinate with eM Client if I marked something as junk. Now, I’m seeing the “move to junk” option in both the Junk folder and my Inbox. But, I never see the “move to inbox” option. If I’m in a Junk folder, there is the :move to folder" option so I can get something from Junk to Inbox that way. It drives me nuts that the interface isn’t consistent…

If you have a Message in the Inbox and you want to manually move it to the Junkmail folder using Category view, “right click on the Subject” (and not the body of the email) and you will see the Move to Junk menu options as in the 1st example screenshot below in eM Client V10.

If you have a message in your Junkmail folder and you want to manually move it to the Inbox using Category view, “right click on the Subject” (and not the body of the email) and you will see the Move to Inbox menu options as in the 2nd example screenshot below in eM Client V10.

(Move to Junk mail options in the Primary Inbox folder via right clicking on the Subject)

(Move to Inbox mail options in the Junkmail folder via right clicking on the Subject)

Hello again. I find that most of the items in my Junk Folders are categorized as Promotions or No Category. So, I created a Rule that says:

After message has been received
has any of Promotions, No category, Not categorized yet categories
move to Inbox

But, the system is still putting them in the Junk folder. Am I doing something wrong?



I find that most of the items in my Junk Folders are categorized as Promotions or No Category. So, I created a Rule that says

After message has been received
has any of Promotions, No category, Not categorized yet categories
move to Inbox

But, the system is still putting them in the Junk folder. Am I doing something wrong?

You “can only create rules for emails that are arriving in your Inbox” to then go to another folder such as the Junk folder. Rules won’t automatically work going back to your Inbox.

So If new emails are already in the Junkmail, then either “your server is automatically moving them” via their spam detection when they arrive in your Inbox online, or “there is a rule already setup in eM Client” to automatically move those specific emails to the junk folder.

So go in eM Client to “Menu / Rules” and “dblclick any rules” you might have in there including the blacklist up to V9 to view them, to dblcheck if there is any existing rules already setup to move incoming mail from your Inbox to the Junkmail folder. If you have V10, the blacklist is via “Menu / Settings / Mail / Blacklist / Manage Blacklist”

Now “If there is no rules or blacklist setup in eM Client to automatically move those specific emails to the Junkmail folder”, then that means your mail server is automatically moving them when they arrive in the Inbox, in which case “go online to your webmail Junkmail folder and mark them as Not Spam”. Your online mailbox will then automatically move them back to your Inbox and learn for future to keep them in the Inbox.

Now if those emails then arrive ok in eM Client Inbox, but are in the wrong Category, then either “drag them to the Category you want” or “right click on the Subject and select Category” and select the Category you want. You will then get a prompt confirmation appear for those future emails.

If you are using the eM Client mobile app to change Categories, hold your finger on the email to select it, and then press the 3 vertical dots (Droid) or 3 horizontal dots (iOS) at the top right and select Category on the menu.

Thanks cyberzork. Not the answer I wanted, but thanks for explaining it all to me.