Do email stay permanently?

Will my emails stay in EM if I delete them from my email program? I use A2 hosting Titan. Outlook deletes my email if I delete it in my main email source.
Do not want to buy a subscription until I know my emails will be safe.

If you have a IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud (non POP) account, then if you delete email either online in your mailbox or in eM Client then all your devices will also mirror that deletion “as it’s server based mail and not Local POP mail”.

So if you want to keep a copy of a server based email before deleting then you have 2 options to do that.

1). You can create a folder either in Local Folders at the bottom left of eM Client called eg: Old Account Mail, and then copy the email or emails prior to deleting into that folder. Or you could create a folder on your eg: Desktop also called Old Account Mail and drag emails to that folder. Either way you do it, you can drag or move them back later to the original location if you want to.


2). If you have eM Client V10 you can also go to “Menu / Data files” and create an external data (.emdf) file on your hard-disk also called eg: Old Account Mail and then create any folders under that to also copy email to that prior to deleting any email. The data file usually default will be created in your eg: “Documents / eM Client” folder and can then either be left open permanently mounted for you to update anytime, or closed / unmounted if you don’t need it open all the time like an Archived type mail folder.

See eM Client documentation support page on Data Files. Files/Data Files.htm