Direct mail to correct folder

I have three accounts set and all mail goes to a unread folder and not the account folder.

If you have recently upgraded or installed eM Client V10, that might be “if you have chosen the default install which sets up Inbox categories”, then acct Inbox emails can sometimes then show in other “different Inbox Tabs” and “in the Unread folder”. See my post in the below thread.

Now if you don’t have Inbox Categories enabled, then that might be due to a eg: Rule setup to automatically move new incoming email to other account folders which then will only show in the Unread folder and not your account Inbox.

So also go to “Menu / Rules” and check for any Move to Folder type rules. You can dblclick the rules to look inside them. Sometimes the best way to troubleshoot if it’s a rule problem causing it, is to “disable / uncheck” all rules.