Diagnostics logging statement

This message keeps coming up: The diagnostic logging has been enabled for more than 3 days. It may consume a significant amount of disk space and slow down the application. Would you like to disable it now…Yes or No? I have clicked on No and lately X’d out of it but in 3 days the message keeps coming back. Would you please let me know what can be done?..Thank you…Liz.

Please go to Menu > Settings > Advanced and make sure ALL items are unticked. Scroll to the end as there may be some that are not immediately visible. Then click on Clear Logs and Save & Close.

Thank you Gary but we’re wondering if afterwards we tick all the items again?

The important thing is to click on Save & Close once you have made a change to the settings.

The items will not automatically be selected again. You will either need to manually select them in the setting I gave above, or by enabling diagnostic logs in your account settings.

Thank you very much, Gary, for responding so quickly and we will do what you have said. We’re just still wondering if we ‘have’ to re-check of those original eM Client settings?

Regards…Rudy and Liz.

Re-ticking the options means logging will continue.

There is no need to do that unless you have been asked by us to collect diagnostic data to resolve an issue.