Description field in Event

Is there a way to make the “Description” field in an event larger? Right now it’s only 2 lines high, and it makes it very hard to view the full description having to scroll through it. I would much rather make the “Attendees” section smaller and increase the “Description” field. Is this possible?

Can you please post here a screenshot? Thank you.

Sure - here you go…

I agree with this request - the description field is way too small and the attendee list is way too big. Could they be split vertically so on the left of the screen is the attendee list and on the right the description field?

We are already working on it.

Great news! This is a real frustration.

Any progress on this request?

You can expect this change in the upcoming version 6.

Wonderful. I love Em Client and this would really help things out.


thank you for your positive feedback.
