Désactiver les messages d'erreur / How to disable error messages ?


eM Client affiche souvent des messages d’erreur quand l’ordinateur est inactif alors que ma connexion Internet ne coupe jamais. La plupart du temps, il est indiqué « erreur 503 ».
Aussi, lorsque je me connecte à un réseau public qui comporte un portail captif, le programme affiche également une erreur, cela est tout à fait normal mais je souhaiterais que cela ne s’affiche plus à chaque fois dans la mesure où je suis au courant de la situation.
Pour conclure, est-il possible de désactiver l’affichage des messages d’erreur, qu’ils soient légitimes ou non ?
Merci d’avance.

Hello Tiana, what mail service are you using with eM Client? Are you using an outlook.com (hotmail/live) account?

Error 503 has been a known issue to Outlook.com accounts, but is mostly caused by unavailability of the server. The error is mostly showing an issue while synchronizing the calendar folder. It can occur when the server is processing to many requests and is not able to process the sync request before the request times out.

Please make a screenshot of the error and submit it to us here on the forum for more information about the issue.

You can turn of error notification in Tools > Settings > General > Show window when an error occurs, unfortunately it is not possible to differentiate between what kind of errors will be hidden, you can only choose to hide all errors. If an error occurs however , more information about the error should still be visible in Tools > Operations > Errors / Log.

Vous avez absolument raison. En effet, l’erreur est dûe au calendrier de Microsoft, que je n’utilise pas de toutes manières, car j’utilise celui de Google.

J’ai alors désactivé les messages d’erreur, plus de soucis. Merci beaucoup de votre aide.

Hello again Tiana, since you’re using another service with eM Client, you could also setup the Outlook.com (AirSync) account as IMAP, this would allow you to synchronize your emails with the server without these additional errors, however it would disable your ability to synchronize contacts and calendars for this service - which however are the services throwing the errors.

If you’d like to setup the account as IMAP follow these instructions http://www.emclient.com/faq-account-setup#q2 and use your recommended IMAP settings for the manual setup of the account http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/outlook/send-receive-from-app , hope this helps.

Hello again Tiana, since you’re using another service with eM Client, you could also setup the Outlook.com (AirSync) account as IMAP, this would allow you to synchronize your emails with the server without these additional errors, however it would disable your ability to synchronize contacts and calendars for this service - which however are the services throwing the errors.

If you’d like to setup the account as IMAP follow these instructions http://www.emclient.com/faq-account-setup#q2 and use your recommended IMAP settings for the manual setup of the account http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/outlook/send-receive-from-app , hope this helps.