Deleting a chat contact

How can you remove chat contacts? I have 4 contacts that show up in my eM Client list but not in Gmail. They appear in the Unsorted group. Right-clicking and choosing “Delete” does nothing, so I tried creating a group and moving them, then deleting - all that does is move them back to the Unsorted group. These are people I might ONCE have sent a message to on G+ but I do not communicate with them otherwise. They do not appear in my “Hangouts” list on the web Gmail client. So how do I get rid of them from eM?

Hi, if you still have this issue, could you check GData and XMPP in Tools - Settings - Advanced, apply and restart eM Client. Then try to delete these contacts wait a while and then in Advanced window click on “Send Logs” to [email protected] with link to this topic as subject?
