Delayed Sending of Messages Should not Stop EM Client from shutting down because of OutBox Not Empty Error

This one is pretty easy to reproduce:

  1. Send an email with a delayed sending time
  2. Try to exit EM Client and it complains the Outbox is not empty
    EM Client should know that the email is in the delay queue and let EM Client shut down instead of notifying the user.

In my specific case, I had sent a delayed email, promptly forgot about it, and then tried to close EM client.  EM Client then complained the Outbox was not empty, and I spent a half hour figuring out how to find the Outbox so I could see the email.  (Tools -> Settings ->  “General” -> “Show Local Folders” and the Outbox is there).  There was also no notification on the email showing that it was to be sent later.

Small problem perhaps, but it could be smoother.

Hello Sean,

thank you for reporting this, but if you quit eM Client your delayed mails won’t be sent.
Message that pops up is related to inability to send delayed mail when app is closed, so in case you forgot that you scheduled some emails you are reminded about it.