Delay in receiving emails with /

Since the last updates I have a delay with the reception of emails via Skynet/Proximus.
I contacted the provider who advised me to delete the account information on EmClient and to start the configuration again.
Despite this, the problem persists. Emails are received several hours late. However, they are accessible and visible from the Internet.
If I completely turn off EmClient and restart the application then they immediately synchronize and receive the emails
Thanks for your help

Always the same problem with the latest update and no response from you side :cry:

We would need more information from you to investigate this. If you have a Pro license, please open a support ticket with us. That way I can send you details to generate specific logs that might indicate where the issue is.

Hi Gary, thanks for your reply. I don’t have a PRO license but if you need more information, tell me what I need to doe for generate specific logs. Have a nice day, Steven

No more response
 in the meantime I encounter the same problem with my second account (Yahoo)
EmClient don’t synchronise online but only with log-on / log-off

I hope it’s will be fix next update !

@Gary I’m relaunching this topic because I just discovered a related cause !

The problem appears after sending a email.
The first connexion all works perfectly, I receive the Ă©mails but after having replied to an email, the problem reappears and again, the next emails don’t arrive in the inbox of EMClient despite they are visible online on my provider (and despite if I push on refresh) ???
I turn off En Client and launch Em Client and all works correctly again.

An idea ?

I have the same problem with skynet emails. The eM Client ‘times out’ and the connection is not re-established automatically. You have to restart the client or use File-Work Offline-Offline to re-establish connection. The same happens when you use the android app but its easier to fix, just pull down.
Normally setting the sync period to 1-5 minutes should solve this, but it doesn’t

I also tried the v10 beta but that is even worse: it have the same time-out problems but does not download all mails

I think the problem is with the skynet servers: they do not correctly support NOOP or IDLE in IMAP.

Still the same problem
 unfortunately :cry:
For information the settings recommended by the provider :

Incoming mail :
Port: 993
Encrypton method: SSL/TLS
Outgoing mail:
Port: 587
Encrypton method: STARTTLS
DĂ©cochez “Exiger l’authentification par mot de passe sĂ©curisĂ© (SPA)”
Cochez “Mon serveur (SMTP) sortant requiert une authentification”, puis “Utiliser les mĂȘmes paramĂštres que ceux de mon serveur de courrier entrant”

I don’t find “STARTTLS” in the EmClient settings ???

sĂĄbado 15 junio 2024 :: 2053hrs (UTC +0100)

I had similar and continuing issues with Skynet, I gave up trying in the end and moved to Starlink (SpaceX) and have never had an issue, I mainly use it on my boat.
Speeds varies from 40-220 mbps download, and 8-25 mbps upload, dependant upon location and whether static or mobile. Latency varies with the spec and is < 49 ms.


¥Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!
ÂĄMis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemån
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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In any case, do NOT update em client to v10 to try and fix things. In the new version some emails are just not shown although they are present when opening the webmail from Proximus.

If you enabled Categories when asked during the upgrade, have you looked for the messages in the other Inbox categories?

That was it. I re-installed the v10 but disabled categories in the initial setup.
Then all mails are shown.

Hopefully the new em client is also more compatible with the proximus IMAP servers so I don’t have to use File->Work offline->Offline anymore to sync.

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