De-Activate Mail POP3 Account (not DELETING!)

Hi All,

we have switched off an old unsure POP3 client. The same mail addresse exists now with a sure, modern IMAP account. But: The old account was used nearly 15 years and there also actual infos in it.
Is it possible to configure the old account that it is visible (and searchable)in emClient but does not look anymore at the server? I mean de-activate the client that it is only reachable as an archive?
Or should I export the mail data and import it in the new client?

Regards, Michael

I have a solution. After trying to export all 27.138 EMails (it takes too much time) I have checked to reach the EMail Server via POP3 (Port 995, SMTP 465) and it works. So I have the same address on an modernized server with https protocols.

Thanks for all and havve a nice weekend!

If you want to keep mail from an old POP account “that is now deactivated”, you can create a folder down in “Local folders” at the bottom left of eM Client called eg: Old Mail" and then drag or move all your POP mail and mail folders as they are down under Old Mail.

Then once you are confident it’s all down under Old Mail, then remove the old POP account. You can then still access that mail within eM Client.

Then when you setup a new IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud account, just “drag or move the old POP mail folder contents and mail folders up to your new account matching folders”, and eM Client will then sync / upload that to your server mail account.

Lastly if you do keep mail down in Local folders, make sure to backup eM Client regularly incase you need to restore in the future. You can setup either automatic periodic backups within eM Client or do manual backups regularly within eM Client.

Thanks for your reply cyberzork!

It looks like a possible solution for this situation. But I think when I copy the content back to the IMAP account the data will be synchronized with the server data an all old emails will be copied to the new account.
So for the moment I will use it via POP3. Thne there is no synchronisation back to the server.

Regards, Michael