Dblocation to monitor 2 email accounts completely separate from other email accounts

Potřebuji sledovat 2 emailové účty úplně odděleně od jiných emailových účtů. Chci založit druhou databázi. Vytvořím složku C:\eMClient2 a přihlásím se “C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe” /dblocation C:\eMClient2.

  1. Mohu mít spuštěný eMClient 2x současně?
  2. Obě dvě verze eMClient, tedy ta původní a nově vytvořená mají stejné umístění dat: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\eM Client. To je v pořádku?

I need to monitor 2 email accounts completely separate from other email accounts. I want to create a second database. I create a folder C:\eMClient2 and log in with “C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe” /dblocation C:\eMClient2.

  1. Can I have eMClient running 2x at the same time?
  2. Both versions of eMClient, the original and the newly created one, have the same data location: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\eM Client. Is that okay?

I don’t know what you are manually trying to do would work that way, but others on this forum will update this thread if you can do that.

Normally if you want the email accounts to be completely separate, you would either need to “setup eM Client under a different user computer profile logins”.

Or, there is currently an eM Client Sleekplan idea which you can vote on to “create different user profiles within eM Client” via the link below.