Date entry, time entry on events difficult and not standard

I like modern trends to make data entry efficient. When I try to put in a date or time in events, I am hit with a masked field that requires me to click and conform to its standards. Focus to the field does not activate, you have to click. Then, you have to click on the portions of the date/time vs. just typing something.

Apps like fantastical, google calendar, etc. allow for fuzzy entries. “8am” or “8:30” which would assume am/pm would be welcome. A date of 3/1 should assume 3/1/25 when today is 2/5/25. Requiring the user to click and tab through the components of the date or time entry just slow things down. An added bonus to adjust days by 1 by using ± or time by 1 hour would be amazing.

Even removing the mask would be a welcome thing - I have stopped using masked edits in most programming just to allow users the most flexibility. For now, I am just narrating my appointments into siri or using teams as the EMC version is too cumbersome.

While not specifically on topic, with events on a calendar (like birthdays and deaths) that are all day events (or any event for that matter), a “local time” should be good, so I can easily set it when in one time zone and have that time not change when I move to another time zone.

I just retired from an 50+year career in application development and it is hard not to make recommendations for an improved product. :slight_smile: